Cognitive Behavioural Therapy over the telephone is beneficial for people with a variety of difficulties.
Telephone appointments are the most convenient way to access therapy for many people. As everyone carries a phone with them all you need ins a phone signal for the session to go ahead.
There is also good research evidence on the effectiveness of providing CBT over the telephone.
Telephone treatment sessions usually last 50 minutes and follow the format of face to face sessions. You receive the same high quality therapy in a more convenient way.
There are a number of reasons someone might want sessions on the phone rather than in person:
Living too far away from the clinic
Physical disability or long term health condition interfering with travel to the clinic
Feeling more comfortable talking on the telephone about sensitive difficulties
Convenience of times offered
The ability to continue having weekly sessions, even while travelling for business
Starting with telephone sessions until they are able to trust the therapist enough to meet in person
Having a follow up session after the end of a course of therapy
Sessions can be either entirely over the telephone or include a mixture of telephone, face to face and/or Skype. This is useful if your circumstances change during the course of therapy or if you are travelling for study or work.
More information about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
We currently have availability for evening telephone sessions. Telephone CBT sessions are convenient for people living across the whole of the UK.
Telephone therapy is only available to people based in the UK.
Booking information
Everyone is offered a free initial 15-20 minute telephone consultation to discuss whether CBT would be beneficial for them and whether they would like to book in a full assessment.
Contact us by telephone, email or this website to get started.